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Anchor 1
University of Amsterdam | Amsterdam, NL | 2020-2022

Advanced Professional Program (APP)

Certification Program in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage

Book and Paper Specialization

Program Committee Student Representative

University of Amsterdam | Amsterdam, NL | 2018-2020

MSc in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage

Book and Paper Specialization

Program Committee Student Representative

Syracuse University | Syracuse, NY | 2009-2013

BFA in Printmaking|BFA in Art History|Minor in Chinese Studies


The Metropolitan Museum of Art | New York City, NY | June 2024 - Present
Assistant Conservator
Museum of Fine Arts Boston | Boston, MA | October 2022 - May 2024
Morse Fellow for Advanced Training in Conservation of Works of Art on Paper
Harry Ransom Center | Austin, TX | November 2016 - August 2018

Preservation & Conservation Technical Staff Assistant II    

  • Re-reeling the Harry Ransom Center 16mm and 35mm film collection

  • Adding lead tape and reeling films onto new film cores

  • Assessing and creating condition reports for each film reel

  • Taking stock of film reeling supplies and what needs restocking

Bullock Texas State History Museum | Austin, TX | February 2016 - August 2018 Visitor Services Representative
Briscoe Western Art Museum | San Antonio, TX | Nov. 2013 - December 2015

Interim Retail & Visitor Services Manager |October 2015- December 2015

Retail & Visitor Services Assistant Manager | February 2014 - October 2015

Museum Store Representative | November 2013 - February 2014

National Museum of Asian Art | Washington D.C. | 31 May - 23 September 2022
East Asian Paintings Conservation Intern
  • Treatment of brocade textile on a Japanese folding screen
  • Creation of a karibari drying board
  • Learned paper lining in the Chinese and Japanese method, lining both paper and silk
  • Minor treatment on Japanese books, created book mockups
Kupferstich-kabinett Dresden | Dresden, Germany | 7 March - 13 May 2022
Paper Conservation Intern
  • Took care of a group of objects going out on loan for an exhibit, including: demounting, treatment, creating the passepartout, remounting, condition reporting, couriering to exhibit. 
  • Treatment of a group of drawings from the collection 
  • Treatment of a pith paper object within the collection
DP Conservation | Amsterdam, NL | 27 January - 18 February 2022
Paper Conservation Intern
  • 'First-aid' conservation and rehousing to archive materials in preparation for digitization

  • Woking on-site at various institutions within the Netherlands to assist with the conservation of archive collections

Rijksmuseum | Amsterdam, NL | 6 April - 15 July 2021

Paper Conservation Intern

  • Conserve and give false margins to a group of around 60 Japanese prints

  • Repair and rebinding a Japanese printed book

Saint Louis Art Museum | Saint Louis, MO | 17 August - 4 September 2020

Paper Conservation Intern

  • In-person internship had to be canceled due to pandemic concerns 

  • Participated in seven sessions of online instruction on wallpapers and potential treatments

Texas State Library & Archive Commission | Austin, TX | 1 July - 23 August 2019

Book and Paper Conservation Intern

  • Eight-week Internship

  • Treated several book and paper object treatments

  • Completed a survey of ~140 scrapbooks within the collection

National Park Service, H.A.C.E. | Lowell, MA | 31 July - 1 September 2017

Paper Conservation Intern

  • Five-week Internship at the Historic Architecture, Conservation and Engineering Center

  • Assess collection from Fort McHenry for conservation and housing

  • Tear mends, surface cleaning, paper fills, and silver polishing

  • Object photography and treatment reports


Syracuse University Art Galleries | Syracuse, NY | November 2012 - February 2013

Digitization Intern

  • Digitization of the gallery’s print collection for online gallery catalog

Asian American Art Centre | New York City, NY | May - August 2012


  • Data entry

  • Organize and update the artist archive

  • Organize and move artworks and artist materials​

IDA Millinery and Jewelry | New York City, NY | June - August 2012


  • Apply jewelry and millinery skills

  • Order materials and shipping orders​

UT Landmarks Preservation Guild | Austin, TX | February - April 2018

Conservation Volunteer

  • Work under the supervision of Catherine Williams for about 10 to 15 total hours of work

  • Assisted in applying linseed oil to Anthony Caro sculpture, Veduggio Glimpse 

  • Assisted in cleaning marble sculpture Eyes by Louise Bourgeois

  • Assisted in the re-waxing of Chilkat by Robert Murray

Emerging Conservation Professionals Network | Austin, TX | June 2017 - August 2018
Austin Liason
  • ECPN is a subgroup of AIC focused on helping emerging conservators

  • Point of contact for the Austin area

  • Host events and workshops to assist emerging professions

Harry Ransom Center | Austin, TX | June 2016 - August 2018

Paper Conservation Volunteer

  • Work on collection material under the supervision of the HRC paper conservators

  • Take treatment photos, write treatment reports, note hours spent on treatment

  • Tear mending, paper fills, surface cleaning, and reattaching failed glue attachments

  • Creating new housing for collection material


Texas Military Forces Museum | Austin, TX | February - May 2016
Volunteer Cataloger
  • Assist with the Museum’s cataloging efforts using Past Perfect system

  • Research items, assign item location, and evaluate their condition

Publications & Presentations
Presentation | Symposium: Exploring Print History | MFA Boston | 3 May 2024
Between the Ink and the Plate: Printmakers Troubleshooting with Color
  • 5-7 minute presentation on upcoming print research in honor of the MFA Koehler project
Poster | IADA 2023 Conference | 16 - 18 October 2023
Optical Brighteners: Movement and Degradation in Paper
Presentation | MFA Boston | 25 August & 14, 28 Sept 2023, & 23 February 2024
Conservation Up Close: The Making of Medieval Manuscripts 
  • 40 minute lecture as part of public programing for the MFA's conservation center

  • Introduced members of the public to the materials used in the creation of European medieval manuscripts. Included tables with materials and pigments for participants to interact with as well as other tables with objects to show examples and teach with.

Workshop | STEAM Program | MFA Boston | 3 May 2023
Preparing Pigments for Medieval Manuscripts
  • ​Part of the STEAM (STEM + Art) programming for highschool students

  • Designed and facilitated a 4-hour workshop on medieval manuscripts, consisting of a half lecture and half hands-on workshop. 

Presentation | McGill University, Materiality of Chinese Art | 4 April 2023
History of Paper Lecture 
  • Invited to give a guest lecture on the history and process of papermaking for an upper level ARTH 618/ EAST 503 course. Condensed lecture on the progression of paper history, paper materials, and a look at xuan paper. Had enough time to talk about my experience in the Chinese mounting studio at the NMAA.


Presentation | MFA Boston | 23 February & 23 March 2023
Conservation Up Close: Introduction to Etchings and Other Intaglio Techniques 
  • 40 minute lecture as part of public programing for the MFA's conservation center

  • Introduced members of the public to different intaglio techniques in art with examples of prints within the collection

Presentation | ICON Book & Paper Graduate Symposium | 17 January 2023
Movement and Degradation of Optical Brighteners in Local Treatment

Presentation | Washington Conservation Guild | 3 March 2022

Optical Brighteners: Movement and Degradation in Paper

  • WCG's Williston Fund Recipient 

  • For a write-up on the talk, see the blog post from Tess Cramer: here

  • For the YouTube recording of the presentation: here

MSc Thesis | University of Amsterdam | August 2020 
Visual analysis on the chemical conservation treatment effect on historic lithographic inks
  • For access to this thesis, see the University of Amsterdam's Scripties page: here

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