Book and Paper Conservation
Het Spinozahuis
November 2020

Museum het Spinozahuis is a historic house museum located in Rijnsburg in the Netherlands and is part of the Vereniging het Spinozahuis (VHS, Association Het Spinozahuis), established in 1897. The association and the museum have maintained the ideas and legacy of Baruch de Spinoza (1632-1677), also known as Benedictus or Bente de Spinoza. The museum is located in the house where Spinoza lived from 1661 to 1663.
The Museum Het Spinozahuis Collectiebeleidsplan (policy plan) 2019-2023 is the basis for the current project ‘Caring for Spinoza’s Library.’ One of the actions recommended by the policy plan is to arrange for assessment of the book collection by an expert in order to examine the condition and determine what, if any, conservation treatment is needed. Consequently, the management of the museum and the University of Amsterdam, Book and Paper Specialization of the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage Department initiated the project ‘Caring for Spinoza’s Library’.
The major focus of this project is on developing a preservation strategy for the Spinoza Library. The general approach is to provide an integrated written recommendation for the preservation and safe access of the collection, as part of the ensemble which includes the historic building where it is housed.
The Spinozahuis report is the final document that was submitted to the institution after the project was completed. Since this document contains sensitive information for the institution, the report is only available to those who have the website password. The Spinoza Final Presentation is the pdf version of the final presentation that the UvA book and paper class gave to the members of the Vereniging het Spinozahuis at the conclusion of the project. This document is more general and is available to view by the public. Additionally, below you will find one full condition report created for one of the Spinozahuis books as an example of the 171 reports that were made by the UvA team.